

Second screenshot shows when exexcuting the batch file by double clicking it:ĭ:\Users\t05200a\AppData\Roaming>´╗┐cd D:\Users\t05200a\AppData\Roamingĭ:\Users\t05200a\AppData\Roaming>echo Verzeichnis gewechseltĭ:\Users\t05200a\AppData\Roaming>desktopok_圆4.exe /save /silent D:\Users\t05200ĭ:\Users\t05200a\AppData\Roaming>echo Speicherbefehl ausgef├╝hrt. Save and restore the positions of icons. \bin\Release>echo Speicherbefehl ausgef├╝hrt. DesktopOK has been added to your Download Basket. \bin\Release>desktopok_圆4.exe /save /silent D:\Users\t05200a\AppData\Roaming\icĭer Befehl "desktopok_圆4.exe" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder \bin\Release>´╗┐cd D:\Users\t05200a\AppData\Roamingĭer Befehl "´╗┐cd" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder The code of my batch file is: cd %appdata%ĭesktopok_圆4.exe /save /silent %appdata%\iconsetup.dokįirst is when started from code: it doesn't work.ĭ:\Users\t05200a\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\4K-Optimizer\4K-Optimizer I also can confirm that I have full control on appdata. The pcouffin.sys file is located in a subfolder of the users profile folder. Therefore I have attached you two screenshots of the console. The process known as low level access layer for CD/DVD/BD devices belongs to software Patin couffin engine or VSO Software pcouffin by VSO Software (Description: Pcouffin.sys is not essential for the Windows OS and causes relatively few problems. To me it seems like changing the working directory in the batch file does not work.


The current working directory is the directory where the exe is located. Here I have all the information you requested:
